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Title: The economics of money, banking, and financial markets
Author: Mishkin, Frederic S.
Call No: 332 MIE
Publisher: National Book Foundation , Islamabad , 2006 Detail

Title: Money, the financial system, and monetary policy
Author: Cargill, Thomas F.
Call No: 332 CAM
Publisher: Prentice-Hall , Englewood , 1991 Detail

Title: The economics of money, banking, and financial markets
Author: Mishkin, Frederic S.
Call No: 332 MIE
Publisher: Addison-Wesley , Bonn , 1997 Detail

Title: The art of Islamic banking and finance :
Author: Abdul-Rahman, Yahia.
Call No: 332.1091767 ABA
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, , New York: , 2010 Detail

Title: The econometrics of individual risk
Author: Gourieroux, Christian
Call No: 330.015195 GOE
Publisher: Princeton University Press , New Jersey , 2007 Detail