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Title: Regional human anatomy
Author: Grine, Frederick E.
Call No: 611.90222 GRR
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education , Boston , 2005 Detail

Title: Illustrated Atlas of the World
Author: Reader's Digest Association
Call No: 912 PEA
Publisher: n.p. , , 1994 Detail

Title: The library atlas
Author: Fullard, Harold ed.
Call No: 912 FUL
Publisher: George Philip , London , 1981-00-00 Detail

Title: Student atlas of world politic
Author: Allen, John L.
Call No: 909.82 ALW
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2004 Detail

Title: Hemalaya Atlas
Author: Henaliya, Shri Anshu
Call No: 912.95496 HEH
Publisher: Pustak Bhandar Publishers, , Patra: , 0 Detail

Title: Atlas of the world's Languages
Author: Moseley, Christopher
Call No: 402.23 MOA
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 1994-00-00 Detail

Title: Brajbasi School Atlas
Author: Singh, D. P.
Call No: 912 SIB
Publisher: Brajbasi Publications, , Mathura: , 1999 Detail

Title: The Kottak anthropology atla
Author: Allen, John L.
Call No: 301 ALK
Publisher: McGraw-Hill , New York , 2004 Detail

Title: Oxford school atlas for Pakistan
Author: \N
Call No: 912.5491 AHO
Publisher: Oxford University Press , Oxford , 1979 Detail

Title: The concise world atlas
Author: Oxford University Press
Call No: 912 oxc
Publisher: Oxford University Press , Oxford , 1982 Detail

Title: Philip's atlas of the world
Author: \N
Call No: 912 PHI
Publisher: George Philip Limited , London , 1995-00-00 Detail
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