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Title: Linear algebra and its applications
Author: Lay, David C.
Call No: 512.5 LAL
Publisher: Pearson Education , Delhi , 2008 Detail

Title: Multivariable Mathematics
Author: Shifrin Theodore
Call No: 515 SHM
Publisher: John Wilay & Sons, Inc. , Not Available , 2018 Detail

Title: Multivariable mathematics
Author: Shifrin, Theodore
Call No: 515 SHM
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons , New York , 2005 Detail

Title: Introduction to algebra
Author: Strang, Gilbert
Call No: 512.5 STI
Publisher: Wellesley-Cambridge Press , Wellesley , 2009 Detail

Title: Linear algebra
Author: Williams, Gareth
Call No: 512.5 WIL
Publisher: Narosa Publishing House , New Delhi , 2008 Detail

Title: Linear algebra and its applications
Author: Strang, Gilbert
Call No: 512.5 STL
Publisher: Cengage Learning India Private Limited , New Delhi , 2006 Detail

Title: Linear algebra
Author: Hoffman, Kenneth
Call No: 512.5 HOL
Publisher: Pearson , New Delhi , 2009 Detail

Title: Introductory linear algebra
Author: Kolman, Bernard
Call No: 512.5 KOI
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley , London , 2009-00-00 Detail

Title: Schaum's outline of theory and problems of linear algebra
Author: Lipschutz, Seymour
Call No: 512.5 LIS
Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited , New Delhi , 2005 Detail

Title: Introduction to linear algebra
Author: Lang, Serge
Call No: 512.5 LAI
Publisher: Springer , New Delhi , 2008 Detail

Title: Linear algebra
Author: Saikia, Promode Kr
Call No: 512.5 SAL
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley , London , 2009 Detail
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