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Title: Technology for teaching
Author: Norton, Priscilla
Call No: 371.334 NOT
Publisher: Allyn and Bacon , Boston , 2001 Detail

Title: Computer-Assisted Assessment in Higher Education
Author: Brown, Sally
Call No: 371.334 BRC
Publisher: Kogan Page Limited , London , 1999 Detail

Title: The combat for gender equality in education
Author: Kakuru, Doris Muhwezi
Call No: 362.1969792 KAC
Publisher: Wageningen Academic Publishers , Netherlands , 2006 Detail

Title: The economics of educational media
Author: Wagner, Leslie
Call No: 338.47 WAE
Publisher: The Macmillan Press , London , 1982 Detail

Title: Technology in teacher education
Author: Siddiqui, Mujibul Hasan
Call No: 371.33 SIT
Publisher: A P H publishing corporation , New Delhi , 2004 Detail

Title: Pictures for language learning
Author: Wright, Andrew
Call No: 418.007 WRP
Publisher: Not Available , Not Available , 1989 Detail

Title: The new media challenge
Author: Trowbridge, N. E
Call No: 371.33 TRN
Publisher: MACMILLAN EDUCATION LTD. , London, , 1974 Detail

Title: Producing High-Impact Learning Tool
Author: Wade, Pamela A.
Call No: 371.33 WAP
Publisher: Richard Chang Associates , California , 1996 Detail

Title: Technology in teaching learning procss
Author: Panneer Selvam, S. K.
Call No: 371.33 PAT
Publisher: Anmol Publications , New Delhi , 2011 Detail

Title: Nihongo Video Series 5
Author: Japan Foundation
Call No: 495.68 NIH
Publisher: Not Available , Not Available , 0 Detail

Title: New ways in using authentic materials in the classroom
Author: Larimer, Ruth E.
Call No: 371.33 LA
Publisher: TESOL , Alexandria , 1999 Detail
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