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Title: Soil Fertility Investigations on Farmers' Fields
Author: Hauser, G. F.
Call No: 631.4 SFI
Publisher: FAO , Not Available , 1977 Detail

Title: The land, the farmer, and the future
Author: Carson, Brian.
Call No: 632.422 TLT
Publisher: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, , Not Available , 1992 Detail

Title: Challenges in Reproductive Health Research
Author: N/A
Call No: 630 CIR
Publisher: World Health Organization , Not Available , 1994 Detail

Title: Biennial report 1994-95
Author: UNDP
Call No: 611.6 BRU
Publisher: World Health Organization , Not Available , 1996 Detail

Title: The concequences of imperfect fertility control for chilren's survival, health, and schooling
Author: Montgomery, Mark R.
Call No: 649.1 CMA
Publisher: Marco International Inc. , Not Available , 1997 Detail

Title: Prudence and pressure
Author: Tsuya, Noriko O.
Call No: 304.63 TSP
Publisher: MIT Press , Cambridge , 2010 Detail

Title: Child survival, health and family planning programmes and fertility
Author: N/A
Call No: 612.6 CSH
Publisher: United Nations , New York , 1996 Detail

Title: Reproductive Morbidity in an Urban Community of Lahore
Author: N/A
Call No: 618.1 RMI
Publisher: Maternity & Child Welfare Association of Pakistan , Not Available , 000 Detail

Title: Pakistan fertility survey :
Author: N/A
Call No: 363.96 PFS
Publisher: Population Planning Council of Pakistan, , Not Available , 1979 Detail

Title: Reproductive Health Research at WHO :
Author: N/A
Call No: 611.6 RHR
Publisher: World Health Organization , Not Available , 2000 Detail

Title: The gap between reproductive intentions and behavior :
Author: n.a.
Call No: 591.46 TGB
Publisher: Population Council, , Not Available , 1997 Detail
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