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Title: 콩쥐 팥쥐 = Reprsentative Korean folk Tales 54
Author: yoe oo wa ( 여우와)
Call No: 398.2 REP
Publisher: Hunmin Publishers (훈민출판사) , Khyongi Province ( 경기도) , 2007 Detail

Title: 혹부리 할아버지 = Reprsentative Korean folk Tales 55
Author: Yoe oo wa ( 여우와)
Call No: 398.2 REP
Publisher: Hunmin Publishers (훈민출판사) , Khyongi Province ( 경기도) , 2007 Detail

Title: 재주꾼 여섯 형제 ( Talented Six Sibiling) : Reprsentative Korean folk Tales 11
Author: Yoe oo wa ( 여우와)
Call No: 398.2 REP
Publisher: Hunmin Publishers (훈민출판사) , Khyongi Province ( 경기도) , 2007 Detail

Title: 은혜 갚은 호랑이 : Reprsentative Korean folk Tales 14
Author: Yoe oo wa ( 여우와)
Call No: 398.2 REP
Publisher: Hunmin Publishers (훈민출판사) , Khyongi Province ( 경기도) , 2007 Detail

Title: 구렁덩덩 신 선비 : Reprsentative Korean folk Tales 13
Author: Yoe oo wa ( 여우와)
Call No: 398.2 REP
Publisher: Hunmin Publishers (훈민출판사) , Khyongi Province ( 경기도) , 2007 Detail

Title: 선녀와 나무 꾼 (Fairry and the woodcutter) : Reprsentative Korean folk Tales 7
Author: Yoe oo wa ( 여우와)
Call No: 398.2 REP
Publisher: Hunmin Publishers (훈민출판사) , Khyongi Province ( 경기도) , 2007 Detail

Title: 젋어지는 샘물 : Reprsentative Korean folk Tales 6
Author: Yoe oo wa ( 여우와)
Call No: 398.2 REP
Publisher: Hunmin Publishers (훈민출판사) , Khyongi Province ( 경기도) , 2007 Detail

Title: 사윗감 찾아 나선 쥐 : Reprsentative Korean folk Tales 15
Author: Yoe oo wa ( 여우와)
Call No: 398.2 REP
Publisher: Hunmin Publishers (훈민출판사) , Khyongi Province ( 경기도) , 2007 Detail

Title: 백일홍 ( Crape- myrtle) : Reprsentative Korean folk Tales 8
Author: Yoe oo wa ( 여우와)
Call No: 398.2 REP
Publisher: Hunmin Publishers (훈민출판사) , Khyongi Province ( 경기도) , 2007 Detail

Title: 견우와 직녀 ……[Gyun-woo and Jing-nyuh] : Reprsentative Korean folk Tales 4
Author: Yoe oo wa ( 여우와)
Call No: 398.2 REP
Publisher: Hunmin Publishers (훈민출판사) , Khyongi Province ( 경기도) , 2007 Detail

Title: 할미 꽃 ( Pasque Flower) : Reprsentative Korean folk Tales 5
Author: Yoe oo wa ( 여우와) Shin phodo ( 신 포도)
Call No: 398.2 REP
Publisher: Hunmin Publishers (훈민출판사) , Khyongi Province ( 경기도) , 2007 Detail
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