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Title: Manual of educational statistics
Author: Unesco
Call No: 370.21 MAN
Publisher: UNESCO , Paris , 1961 Detail

Title: Workshop on the development of teaching learning resources for women polytechnics, (may 4-8, 1986)
Author: M/O Education & Unesco
Call No: 374.0132 WOR
Publisher: Not Available , Not Available , 1986 Detail

Title: Women and media decision-making
Author: UNESCO
Call No: 302.23082 WOM
Publisher: Sterling Publishers Private Limited , New Delhi , 1989 Detail

Title: Project evaluation :
Author: Unesco
Call No: 658.404 PEP
Publisher: UNESCO, , Islamabad: , 1984 Detail

Title: Index translation 39
Author: Unesco
Call No: 011.7 ITL
Publisher: UNESCO , Paris , 1992 Detail

Title: International yearbook of education vol. xxxiii 1981
Author: UNESCO
Call No: 370.5 IYO
Publisher: UNESCO , Paris , 1981 Detail

Title: International yearbook of education vol. xxxix 1987
Author: Unesco
Call No: 370.5 IYO
Publisher: UNESCO , Paris , 1987 Detail

Title: International yearbook of education vol. xxxiv 1982
Author: Unesco
Call No: 370.5 IYO
Publisher: UNESCO , Paris , 1982 Detail

Title: International directory on the young child and the family environment
Author: Unesco
Call No: 305.23025 IDO
Publisher: United Nations Educational , Not Available , 1991 Detail

Title: International yearbook of education vol. xxxii 1980
Author: UNESCO
Call No: 370.5 IYO
Publisher: UNESCO , Paris , 1980 Detail

Title: International yearbook of education vol. xli 1989
Author: Unesco
Call No: 370.5 IYO
Publisher: UNESCO , Paris , 1989 Detail
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