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Title: The basic writings of Bertrand Russell
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Call No: 192 RUB
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2017 Detail

Title: Unpopular essays
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Call No: 824 URR
Publisher: Simon & Schuster , New York , 1950 Detail

Title: The autobiography of Bertrand Russell
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Call No: 921.2 RUA
Publisher: George Allen and Unwin , London , 1971 Detail

Title: Bertrand Russell's Best
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Call No: 824.08 rub
Publisher: Unwin , London , 1958 Detail

Title: Unpopular essays
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Call No: 824 ruu
Publisher: Unwin Hyman Ltd. , London , 1950 Detail

Title: On education
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Call No: 370.1 RUO
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 2000 Detail

Title: Education and the social order
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Call No: 370.1 RUE
Publisher: George Allen & Unwin Ltd , London , 1932 Detail

Title: The conquest of happiness /
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Call No: 171.4 RUC
Publisher: Army Education Press , Rawalpindi , 1956-00-00 Detail

Title: My philosophical development
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Call No: 921.2 rum
Publisher: Not Available , Not Available , 1985 Detail

Title: An inquiry into meaning and truth
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Call No: 121 RUI
Publisher: Routledge , Londo , 1980 Detail

Title: In Praise of Idleness
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Call No: 824 rui
Publisher: Unwin Hyman Ltd. , London , 1990 Detail
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