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Title: The crisis of Islam
Author: Lewis, Bernard
Call No: 297.72 LEC
Publisher: Phoenix , London , 2004 Detail

Title: The Arabs in history
Author: Lewis, Bernard
Call No: 909.09174927 LEA
Publisher: Hutchinson University Library , London , 1961 Detail

Title: The Muslim discovery of Europe
Author: Lewis, Bernard
Call No: 940 LEM
Publisher: Weidenfeld & Nicholson , London , 1982 Detail

Title: From Babel to Dragomans
Author: Lewis, Bernard
Call No: 956 LEF
Publisher: Weidenfeld & Nicolson , London , 2004 Detail

Title: What went wrong
Author: Lewis, Bernard
Call No: 956.01 LEW
Publisher: Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2002 Detail

Title: The world of islam
Author: Lewis, Bernard
Call No: 704.94897 TWO
Publisher: Thames and Hudson , London , 1976 Detail