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Title: Reflections
Author: Ikram Azam
Call No: 808.84 IKR
Publisher: The Margalla Voices , Islamabad , 2000 Detail

Title: The 21st century new education and basic life skills paradigm
Author: Ikram Azam
Call No: 370.95491 IKT
Publisher: The Pakistan Futuristic Institute , Islamabad , 1996 Detail

Title: Pakistan, Kashmir and India in the third millennium
Author: Ikram Azam
Call No: 954.6 IK
Publisher: The PFI , Islamabad , 1999 Detail

Title: Swallow spirit, soul mate :
Author: Ikram Azam
Call No: 823.01 IKS
Publisher: The Margalla Voices , Islamabad , 2000 Detail

Title: Pak Geopolitics
Author: Ikram Azam
Call No: 303.49095491 IKP
Publisher: National Book Foundation , Islamabad , 1992-00-00 Detail

Title: Creativity and research
Author: Ikram Azam
Call No: 808.066 IKC
Publisher: The PFI and The Margalla Voices , Islamabad , 2001 Detail

Title: Social change to the 21st century Pakistan
Author: IKram Azam
Call No: 303.4095491 IKS
Publisher: The PFI , Islamabad , 1992 Detail

Title: Futuristics, education, creativity and creative writing
Author: Ikram Azam
Call No: 370.118 IKF
Publisher: The PFI , Islamabad , 1998 Detail

Title: Islami meditation and psychotherapy
Author: Ikram Azam
Call No: 297.43 IKI
Publisher: The PFI , Islamabad , 1996-00-00 Detail

Title: Isles of isolation
Author: Ikram Azam
Call No: 821.3 IKI
Publisher: The Margalla Voices , Islamabad , 1992 Detail

Title: Pakistan's strategy for survival
Author: Ikram Azam
Call No: 320.95491 IKP
Publisher: The author , Islamabad , 1982-00-00 Detail
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