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Title: Dilemmas of national security and cooperation in India and Pakistan
Author: Hafeez Malik
Call No: 303.482 HAD
Publisher: St. Martin's Press, , New York: , 1993 Detail

Title: US relations with Afghanistan and Pakistan
Author: Hafeez Malik
Call No: 327.7305491 HAU
Publisher: Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2008 Detail

Title: Iqbal in Politics
Author: Hafeez Malik
Call No: 928.91439 HAI
Publisher: Sang-e-Meel Publications , Lahore , 2009 Detail

Title: Political profile of Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan
Author: Hafeez Malik
Call No: 320.954 HAP
Publisher: Institute of Islamic History, Culture and Civilization , Not Available , 1982 Detail

Title: Soviet-Pakistan relations and post-Soviet dynamics, 1947-92
Author: Hafeez Malik
Call No: 327.4705491 HAS
Publisher: Macmillan Press Ltd. , Hampshire , 1994 Detail

Title: Iqbal
Author: Hafeez Malik (ed.)
Call No: 928.91439 HAI
Publisher: Iqbal Academy Pakistan , Lahor , 2005 Detail