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Title: The mill on the floss
Author: Eliot, George
Call No: 823.09 ELM
Publisher: Not Available , Not Available , 1980 Detail

Title: Silas Marner :
Author: Eliot, George
Call No: 823.8 ELS
Publisher: The Macmillan Company , London , 1961 Detail

Title: The lifted veil ;
Author: Eliot, George,
Call No: 823 ELL
Publisher: Oxford University Press, , Oxford: , 1999 Detail

Title: The mill on the floss
Author: Eliot, George
Call No: 823 ELM
Publisher: Collins Clear-Type Press, , Not Available , 0 Detail

Title: The mill on the floss
Author: Eliot, George
Call No: 823.09 ELM
Publisher: Longman: , Essex, , 1980 Detail

Title: The Mill on the Floss
Author: Eliot, George
Call No: 823 ELM
Publisher: Not Available , Not Available , 1967 Detail

Title: Middlemarch
Author: Eliot, George
Call No: 823.09 EIM
Publisher: Macmillan , Hampshire , 1992 Detail

Title: The mill on the floss
Author: Eliot, George
Call No: 823.076 ELM
Publisher: Not Available , Not Available , 1966 Detail

Title: The mill on the floss
Author: Eliot, George
Call No: 823.09 ELM
Publisher: Longman Group Ltd , London , 1980 Detail

Title: The mill on the floss
Author: Eliot, George
Call No: 823.09 ELM
Publisher: Not Available , Not Available , 1986 Detail

Title: The mill on the floss & Silas Marner
Author: Eliot, George
Call No: 823.09 elm
Publisher: Not Available , Not Available , 1977 Detail
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