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Title: The murder of history
Author: Aziz, K. K.
Call No: 954.91 AZM
Publisher: Vanguard , Lahore , 2004 Detail

Title: The murder of history
Author: Aziz, K. K.
Call No: 907.2095491 AZM
Publisher: Vanguard , Lahore , Detail

Title: Religion, land and politics in Pakistan
Author: Aziz, K. K.
Call No: 320.55 AZR
Publisher: Vanguard , Lahore , 2001 Detail

Title: World powers and the 1971 breakup of Pakistan
Author: Aziz, K. K.
Call No: 327.5491 AZW
Publisher: Vanguard , Lahore , 2003 Detail

Title: The making of Pakistan
Author: Aziz, K. K.
Call No: 320.512 AZM
Publisher: Sang-e-Meel Publications , Lahore , 2002 Detail

Title: Pakistan :
Author: Aziz, K. K.
Call No: 954.91 AZP
Publisher: Vanguard , Lahore , 2002 Detail

Title: Ameer Ali
Author: Aziz, K. K.
Call No: 923.254 AZA
Publisher: Research Society of Pakistan , Lahore , 2006 Detail

Title: The British in India
Author: Aziz, K. K.
Call No: 325.3410954 AZB
Publisher: NCHCR , Islamabad , 1976 Detail

Title: Pakistan's political culture
Author: Aziz, K. K.
Call No: 320.5491 AZP
Publisher: Vanguard , Lahore , 2001 Detail

Title: The historical background of Pakistan 1857-1947
Author: Aziz, K. K.
Call No: 016.954 AZH
Publisher: The Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, , Karachi: , 1970 Detail

Title: Complete works of Rahmat Ali
Author: Aziz, K. K.
Call No: 954.9 AZC
Publisher: National Commission on Historical & Cultural Research , Not Available , 1978 Detail
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